
Ünlü parfüm markası Avon‘un ünlü yıldız Fergie imzası taşıyan yeni kokusu, New york’ta düzenlenen unutulmaz bir etkinlikle tanıtıldı.

Ürün gelirinin AVON Meme Kanseriyle Mücadele Fonu’na bağışlanacağı bu eşsiz parfüm, Outspoken Party! by Fergie Parfümü nefis meyveli ve çiçeksi özleri ile bir yandan kadınları büyülerken, bir yandan da meme kanseri ile mücadele eden hastalara destek olacak.

Fergie ve AVON Temsilcilerinin New York’ta düzenlenen özel bir etkinlikte biraraya geldiği gecede, Fergie de AVON Meme Kanseriyle Mücadele Fonu’na destek olmak amacıyla bir parfüm satın aldı ve AVON kadınının korkusuz, bağımsız, güçlü ve diğer kadınları da güçlendirerek büyüttüğünün altını çizdi.

- New York - NY - 10/16/2015 - Global Brand Ambassador Fergie attends the Avon Foundation for Women’s annual Tribute Reception, the Breast Party of the Year, which celebrated Avon’s commitment to improving the lives of women globally. The event featured #BeABreastFriend, a new campaign launched for Breast Cancer Awareness Month which encourages women to support one another’s breast health. -PICTURED: Fergie -PHOTO by: Bill Davila/startraksphoto.com -BDP_4229.JPG Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages. Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have.

- New York - NY - 10/16/2015 - Global Brand Ambassador Fergie meets AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer participants at the Avon Foundation for Women’s annual gala reception in New York City. -PICTURED: Fergie with AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer participants -PHOTO by: Alex Oliveira/startraksphoto.com -AOH_2811.JPG Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages. Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have.

- New York - NY - 10/16/2015 - Global Brand Ambassador Fergie and Avon Products, Inc. CEO Sheri McCoy attend the Avon Foundation for Women Tribute Reception in New York City, which celebrated top AVON 39 fundraisers and the Avon Breast Cancer Centers of Excellence. -PICTURED: Fergie, Sheri McCoy -PHOTO by: Alex Oliveira/startraksphoto.com -AOH_2916.JPG Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or email sales@startraksphoto.com Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image, and where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or statutory damages. Image may not be published in any way that is or might be deemed defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification or question you may have.


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